Since nothing can seem to go the way it should and since I freak out about everything nowadays, I thought we had another setback.
Since surgery, I had the wonky cycle (which I'm assuming was just anovulatory) and on top of that, each period has been extremely light. My most recent period was much shorter and much lighter than the others and I got nervous. My mind immediately started racing and I knew we were doomed because I must have scarring.
I called my doctor last Monday and still had no reply on Thursday. I assumed that it was a sign that I needed to move onto a specialist to find out for sure, so I made an appointment with Dr. T. at a highly regarded fertility center.
On Friday I finally got a response from my OB. She felt that the chances of me having scarring were slim and that my body is probably still working out all of the hormones. She also said it would be reasonable to do a hysteroscopy if I wanted or I could be referred to a specialist if I preferred that. Since I already had the appointment with the specialist I decided to keep that appointment.
Yesterday was my appointment and I was very pleased with the specialist. I told E that I was starting to get annoyed because I didn't get called back until 2:00, thirty minutes after my appointment, but after he spent 45 minutes discussing things with me, my annoyance was gone.
We went through my history and testing and he was very impressed with everything that my doctor had done. He recommended that I up my folate to 4mg/day and a couple of other supplements for the MTHFR. These were steps that I was already considering, so it was nice to be told to do it.
When it comes down to my shorter and lighter periods, he also thinks it's more than likely my body regulating. Although Dr. M. suggested the same, it was nice to have a specialist confirm her thoughts. He reminded me that I was on birth control for nearly two months straight, then estrogen, and progesterone. My body has been through a lot. He also said its possible that since the shape of my uterus is technically different, my period could just be different, too. When it comes to scarring, he said considering I had the catheter, the chances of my having any scarring are incredibly slim and it's something that he's never seen in all of his years of practicing. Again, it was nice to have Dr. M's thoughts seconded.
He did an ultrasound and found that my uterine lining was 7.4mm on cd10, which is good considering I'm nowhere near ovulating yet and they like to see the lining around 8mm at the time of ovulation. Dr. T put my mind at ease when he said if I had scarring I probably wouldn't have much lining building up, let alone 7.4 mm. He thought that everything looked great at this point.
He recommended that we do a sonohystogram next cycle to completely rule out scarring mostly just for my peace of mind. He also suggested egg quality testing as well as egg count, but I don't think I'll do that because I don't really believe it's necessary at this point.
What it comes down to is this: both Dr. M. and Dr. T. believe that I don't have scarring but Dr. T. wants to put me at ease so we'll do a sonohystogram next cycle. We can try this cycle if we want.
As always, our fingers are crossed tightly!