

March - Actively trying. Stopped birth control pills

April 2 - Late period (or so I thought. I now know how long my cycles are without birth control so I wasn't actually late)

April 6 - First positive pregnancy test!

April 10 - Called my new OB's office because my pregnancy tests weren't getting darker (I was so naive). They allowed me to come in for a HCG test which was 89.

April 11 - Brown gunky grossness and severe back pain. Went to the ER where they couldn't find anything on the ultrasound. HCG was already at 13.

April 15 - Actual miscarriage started.

April 21 - Met with an OB at the new office. He told us that we could start trying again at anytime.

July 12 - BFP #2!

July 14 - Called OB because tests again weren't getting darker. They said I could come in for blood work. E and discussed and he assured me that things were probably okay. Because I was leaving for Michigan we would have to pay out of pocket for additional blood draws so I decided against it.

July 17 - Morning number one in Michigan and positive line nearly disappeared but it got darker on additional tests later in the day.

July 23 - I woke up at took a Clear Blue Weeks Estimator and it said "Not Pregnant" and then I noticed some spotting. Called the OB's office AGAIN and the nurse assured me that spotting is normal and my urine must have been diluted because there was no way that it would already be negative. I knew what was happening.

July 24 - Actual miscarriage started.

August 14 - Met with Dr. M (my new and current OB) for the first time. She wanted to start testing but our insurance wouldn't allow it until after a third loss. She checked my thyroid (normal) and put my on daily baby aspirin.

August 14 Afternoon - Drove back to the OB's office because Dr. M called to let me know that she reviewed my information from my ER visit with the first pregnancy. She noticed that I was Rh- so I needed a Rhogam shot. She asked if I had gotten one with the first miscarriage. No? I'm still mad that the first OB and the ER never even looked for that.

October 23 - BFP #3! Only 9dpo.

October 24 - 10dpo, Beta draw #1, 14

October 27 - 13dpo, Beta draw #2, 74

November 2 - 19dpo, Beta draw #3, 887. This was done at the ER. I spotted and needed to get another Rhogam shot. They also did an ultrasound and maybe saw a small sac in my uterus.

November 5 - 22dpo, Beta draw #4, 1664. I asked the nurse if I should be concerned because my levels had slowed so much. She said no, nothing to worry about.

November 11 - First ultrasound. With a transvaginal ultrasound there was only an empty gestational sac found. The gestational sac was measuring 6w1d which was on track with my ovulation dates.

November 16 - E and I left for Europe for two weeks. I spotted throughout the majority of the trip.

November 29 - The last day of our trip (in Edinburgh), I started lightly bleeding but still not enough to warrant a pad over a panty liner.

November 30 - Supposed to return to the U.S. but the universe had other plans. A suspicious package was found in the Edinburgh airport so when we arrived, everyone was standing outside. After an extremely long day we made it to London Heathrow but missed our flight to Phoenix. We were stranded in London and stayed in a hotel for the night. I started bleeding more and started wearing a pad but it was still a very light flow. The bleeding turned to more of a pink color. I chalked it up to the stress and lack of food and water of the day.

December 1 - Returned to the U.S. I was supposed to have my follow-up ultrasound but we obviously didn't make it back in time. It was a long plane ride of changing panty liners (all that I had left).

December 2 - Called the OB because of heavier bleeding and slight cramps. Ultrasound scheduled for 1:00pm. Ended up in the ER at 8:30 because of excruciating pain and cramps as well as large clots and heavy bleeding. By the time we got to the ER, my HCG was around 4,000 and I had already passed the sac as the ultrasound didn't show anything in my uterus.

December 24 - Merry Christmas Eve! All bleeding FINALLY stopped.


January 5 - HCG was finally <1.

January 12 - 13 vials of blood drawn to test for clotting disorders. The lab claimed that they never received most of the samples so we only got two results back two weeks later (both were normal).

February 4 - Woke up feeling "off" and decided to take a pregnancy test on a whim. We weren't tracking or trying this cycle so I had not clue what dpo I was. Shocked! BFP #4! Beta #1, 10

February 6 - Beta #2, 34

February 9 - Beta #3, 93

February 16 - Beta #4, 994

February 19 - Beta #5, 1410. Concerned again because numbers slowed so much.

February 26 - Ultrasound #1. IUP confirmed with a transvaginal ultrasound! Baby measured 6w3d (6.4mm) and had a heart rate of 109. Concerned about the gestational sac size which measured behind the baby at 5w2d (7mm).

March 5 - Ultrasound #2. Baby measured 7w1d (10.1mm) with a heart rate of 133 and sac was still very small measuring at 5w6d (9.2mm).

March 12 - Baby only measured 7w3d and the heart had stopped beating.

March 13 - D&C + diagnostic hysteroscopy. Uterine septum discovered.

April 6 - Hysterosonogram which didn't show a septum but also showed that the left side of my uterus didn't completely fill with the saline. I also had 26 vials of blood drawn. I almost beat the phlebotomist's record for numbers of vials drawn in one sitting.

April 17 - MRI with contrast to check my uterus again.

April 18 - My doctor called to let me know that all of my blood work had come normal with the exception of the MTHFR test. It showed that I am heterozygous MTHFR A198C but she doesn't think it is our issue. This will be something to discuss with Dr. M. at a later date.

April 21 - Hysteroscopy (and potential laparoscopy) scheduled for May 13th. The MRI showed an arcuate uterus but not a definitive septum. The only way to know for sure if I have a septum is to do the surgery. It could end up being a very expensive exploratory surgery, but E and I are willing to take that chance and have decided to move forward with surgery.

May 13 - Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy performed.  A large, partial septum was found and resected. Less than 1 cm was left so as not to weaken the uterus. A balloon catheter was inserted in order to aid in healing and prevent scaring. Estrogen patches to be used for a month followed by 10 days of Provera (progesterone).

May 18 - Follow up appointment #1. Catheter removed. Dr. M. shared the pictures with me, which was pretty eery. Antibiotics for slight infection of laparoscopic incision.

June 22 - Follow up appointment #2. All looks good! Wait 2-3 regular cycles before trying to conceive again. Provera-induced bleed began.

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