May 17, 2015

The Awkwardness of Recovery

Fair warning: I'm not holding back on this post and there will definitely be TMI. I kindly ask you to pass along if you don't want to read it.

Overall the recovery has been pretty easier than I expected. Not much bleeding at all, whoop!

My biggest issue has been constipation. Between the anesthesia, pain medication, and poor food choices (I may have eaten a burger Tuesday night, Chinese food Wednesday night, and ICE CREAM!!! last night...whoops) I've been in a lot of pain. Thankfully I had some relief today but I am still cramping a lot and have had back pain.

I've had some major anxiety about the catheter. I'm sure it's really not that big of a deal to have it, but I'm terrified of accidentally removing it. I kind of got over my fear of accidentally pulling it out while sleeping after the second night. BUT, I've had a (probably) irrational fear that while dealing with the constipation, I'd accidentally force it out. It didn't help that the visible tubing between my upper thigh and where it inserts into my body is a bit longer and looser now. Fingers crossed I didn't screw it up somehow!

My teeny tiny abdominal incision from the laparoscopy has been a bit more troublesome than anticipated. I had a laparoscopy in high school, so the incision is right along the previous incision. I was really sore Thursday and Friday and E had to help me out of bed whenever I needed to use the restroom. Thankfully by Saturday, it was starting to get better and I was managing to get out of bed on my own. Today it's significantly better.

Tomorrow I go to have the catheter removed and that brings on a whole different anxiety. I'm scared. E is planning to go back to work (of course) but we're not sure how I'm going to feel afterward so he's trying to decide if he should take a half day off. I'm going to call in the morning to find out their advice. I'm probably just being a baby.

E is seriously the BEST husband on the planet. I knew that before this weekend, but he absolutely solidified that belief. He helped me out of bed, made me food, ran to the store multiple times, got me water, cleaned the house, got the oil changed in both of our cars, took care of the little puppy, and so much more. He's great!


  1. I am familiar with constipation. May I recommend Mirilax (generic is fine - the kind from Amazon is cheap and works) and generic Colace? I'm still on progesterone supps until Wed. PM and the constipation has gotten so much worse because the placenta is pumping out hormones, too. After I got bad hemmies my first pregnancy I put myself on a regimen: one Colace plus Mirilax in hot lemon water in the AM; two Colace at night. It helps. Trust me on this.

    I had a friend who had to have the balloon catheter. It hurt more than she expected. But a year later she got pregnant with her miracle. So yay! Glad you're on your way to your own miracle. :)

  2. I hope you heal super fast! Do you know how long it will be before you can TTC again? A month or two?
