February 23, 2015

Preparing for the worst

At 1:00 on Friday, I decided that if Ellen called me back I wasn't going to answer and I wasn't going to listen to her voicemail until Sunday night. We were leaving for Vegas with our friends and I didn't want to ruin my weekend if there was bad news.

Ellen never called and I tried to put my bad thoughts out of my mind for the weekend. We told our friends about the pregnancy and just asked that they keep it to themselves and not get too excited  yet. We had a great time! E and I both won money, plus, I saw Britney Spears in concert. YES.

I called the doctor's office this morning and then waited around for the call back. Michelle, who I've only spoken with once or twice, called to let me know that my HCG last Thursday was 1410. 1410.
Screen shot 2015-02-23 at 8.27.36 AM 

It's a little blurry, but clearly shows that we're fast approaching the danger zone. This is EXACTLY what happened with our last pregnancy. My numbers started off low, but they were doubling at an amazing rate (20-30 hours) and then slowly started to slow down until they drastically slowed.

I'm trying not to give up completely yet, but deep down inside I know this is the end of the road. This is more than likely not a viable pregnancy. I'm waiting for a call from the office that does ultrasounds. Hopefully they call this afternoon and I can get it set up for this week. I'm praying that it is a viable pregnancy and also that it is not ectopic.


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