February 19, 2015


Below is my progression so far on Wondfo tests. The top is my test from yesterday, 23dpo. I'm glad to see some change.


My last blood draw was on Monday (2/16) which was 21dpo. I was supposed to go back on Friday (2/20) for my last draw but I asked to go in today instead. Ellen (my favorite nurse at the office) was very accomodating when I explained that I unexpectedly have the day off today so it would be easier to come in today.

I'm nervous. Really, really nervous. I'm afraid that my levels will have slowed tremendously just like the last time. I'm also really nervous for the ultrasound. I explained that my mom is in town until next Thursday and it would be easiest to have the ultrasound while she is still here so that she can watch my nephew. Theoretically, my levels should be WAY over 1500-3000 at that point and we should see something.

I'll have my latest draw results tomorrow and will update then.

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