March 3, 2015

Waiting is the worst

It feels like we had our last ultrasound a lifetime ago and Thursday feels like it is still two lifetimes away! I don't feel pregnant anymore. Granted, I didn't feel overly pregnant last week either. Last week I randomly got my sore boobs, slight morning sickness, and tiredness back on Tuesday and it lasted through Thursday. But since waking up Friday morning, I haven't had much of anything. Today I had slight morning sickness for a few hours but that's it.

The waiting and uncertainty is almost unbearable. I'm having a very difficult time trying to go about my daily business not knowing if my baby is alive or dead.

I really hope we get some definitive answers on Thursday. Of course I'm still praying and hoping that we will see that a miracle has taken place and that the sac is now right on track, but I know the chances of that happening are extremely slim. It's so sad knowing that our little baby is so squished in his/her home.

Here's hoping today and tomorrow speed by!

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